After visiting my Dad for 3 weeks
I got half way home on Friday.
My husband met me at his Dad's home Friday night
where we spent the night.
On Saturday, we started out for home.
As we were heading down the road towards Bedford,
this caught my eye... so D turned the car around so that
I could photograph it.

To my surprise, right beside this was a sign that
read, "Chip-In-Farm" with an arrow pointing
down a side street.
I had recently read about the Chip-In-Farm from
The Magpie's Fancy and so we followed the sign.
We were so delighted!
It is so charming and we bought 2 dozen fresh eggs!

It had been raining as we drove through
Massachusetts but as we approached Maine
the roads were dry!

Very cloudy and the sun was barely visible
as we stopped to look at the ocean and so that
I could take a deep breath
of the salty sea air.
As I looked down I spotted a heart rock!

It's good to be home!
( though I miss my family in Connecticut)