Sometimes there seems to be magic in the air!
Just as the sun set today was one such time.
You may wonder what one colorful glove has to
do with magic....

I'll try to explain...
I almost missed taking a walk on the beach today.
I haven't walked in a long time because of all of
the snow and cold!
It was late in the day and getting dark when we
happened to be near the beach and on the spur
of the moment I decided to take a quick walk
and left D in the car reading!
As I was approaching the stairs leading to the beach,
I noticed something colorful poking out of the snow bank
on the edge of the sidewalk.
As it came into clearer focus it looked like a mitten
and it reminded me of my colorful knitted gloves
that my sister-in-law in Germany sent me years ago.
One of those gloves has been sitting in the backseat of
our car for quite some time
and I had assumed I had brought the matching
glove into the house weeks ago and kept forgetting to
the bring the one in the car inside to join it.
When I got close enough to reach the mitten, I at first
thought it might be a child's but when I bent down
and pulled it out of the snow I realized it was my glove!
I hadn't really known that I had lost it and to see it there
totally amazed me! I was ecstatic!
I wish it could tell me where it has been all this time.
We've had so many snow storms and the plows have
been moving tons of snow everywhere.
To think that I almost didn't take that walk tonight
and that we happened to park near those stairs
and that just enough of the glove was showing to
peak my curiosity...oh, it really did feel magical!

In the fading light, I happened to look down
at the dark wet sand, and barely saw the outline
of something round and then another...
sand dollars together! I carefully picked them
up and slid them in my pocket.

So clear was the sky with a delicate moon
and way above moon shone the evening star!