Monday, June 8, 2009

Cold and Quiet

Tonight's walk along the beach was chilly and
quiet...a few folks were fishing...we walked
with a friend visiting from Virginia who borrowed
my winter jacket!


quiltcat said...

gorgeous pictures!

Roses and Lilacs said...

It does look cold, but beautiful. I'd love to be there searching for driftwood or interesting things to bring home and put in the garden.

Nan and =^..^= said...

quiltcat, thanks!

I hope you can visit Maine sometime!
I love finding small treasures in the sand... though our friend from Virginia found a heart shaped rock that is much too heavy to bring back with her on the it's going to be with us!

Willoughby said...

Temperature seems to be a relative thing. We live in Michigan and when we're on the beach in NC on vacation, we have shorts on while the locals are wearing heavy jackets. Someone once asked us if were from Alaska!