Thursday, October 22, 2009

Autumn in Kennebunkport

Today as we went into town I was amazed as to
how the beautiful autumn colors had suddenly
appeared wherever I looked.

Dock Square, Kennebunkport

Along Ocean Avenue, Kennebunkport

Mast Cove, Kennebunkport with a friendly ghost!

I am in love with the shades of autumn!


Judy Hartman said...

Great photos, Nan! I see we were on the same wavelength today!! Many scenes I recognize in Kenebunkport!

quiltcat said...

Lovely pictures! I especially like the central square with its mums and evergreens.

Yarrow said...

I love Autumn too, Nan, it's such a magical time of year for me, and I do love the sunset pictures below, especially the moon over the houses :)

Hope you are well, take care x