It started the night before...
setting up the tent in the early
evening just before a thunderstorm.

That's my canopy with D kneeling down
driving stakes into the
ground way over on the right side of the
green under the tree.
On Saturday, July 4th, I participated
in the School Around Us Craft Fair.

My 10'x10' space under a tree with my
lightweight canopy was filled to the brim with
a little area for viewing.

All was well til the afternoon... 1st one little shower,
not too bad.
Around 1:30 pm. the skies looked threatening.
D was at home checking the weather radar on his
computer. A helper at the fair came around and
warned of a big storm approaching and for me
to move things to the center of the tent.
to be continued a bit later....
I'm back!
D drove down but couldn't find a nearby parking
space and ended up all the way up at the other
end of the green and down the road a bit near some
He appeared just minutes before the heavy downpour
and helped me move some of the things on the outside
and cover some of the print boxes.
Then we ran for it... as fast as we could go through the driving
rain with thunder! He suggested I wait it out in the car
and he would go back to the tent.

The rain was heavy and blowing sideways at times.

The clouds looked threatening for quite some time!

When the rain stopped, I headed back to my display was mostly dismantled and
the cloth coverings were wet...I waited it out
til about 4 pm. to pack it all up but really no
one stopped to look for there was not much to
see at that point...I had tried to uncover some
things but it just lost it's atmosphere.
A few more sprinkles and some people
walking with umbrellas and then home
to unpack the car and put everything away!
Fortunately, nothing was damaged!
The brighter spots of the day were seeing all
the wonderful people and
pets (click here) who stopped by.
I appreciated all who stopped by to say hello and
those who purchased something and those thinking
about a commission in the future! Many thanks!
Feeling so exhausted, we almost missed the
fireworks. There wasn't any parking nearby
so we ended up parking in the exact same
place the D had parked in the afternoon
during the storm. We had quite a walk to the
ocean but we made it and found a low stone
wall upon which to sit and observe the
fireworks display.