Yesterday D and I decided to
take a ride north to discover new vistas.
Our first stop was Brunswick, Maine.
A lovely college town, home of Bowdoin College.
We admired the campus and the town on a leisurely
stroll on a warm day in autumn.
take a ride north to discover new vistas.

A lovely college town, home of Bowdoin College.
We admired the campus and the town on a leisurely
stroll on a warm day in autumn.

We continued north to Phippsburg... drove many miles
down a long wooded road with the intention of coming out
at Popham beach, but actually we
ended up in unfamiliar territory....what was on the other
side of the dune?
D went up the hill first...and he waved me onward!

How did we miss the turn to Popham Beach...
we headed back and eventually found the turn in the road.

Had a lovely walk on the beach...

It was getting late in the day as we drove into Bath.
(It reminded us both of a place we love, Marblehead.)
Loved the architecture, so much character...
hope to return when we have more daylight to wander
the streets and take in the vignettes with my camera.
As darkness descended, it was time to return
to our home in southern Maine, where
we were greeted by our family of cats who were
wondering where we were!