Late last night, by flashlight I returned to the
house from the studio and thought I caught a
glimpse of the tiniest snow flakes only visible
in the light of the flashlight.
When I awoke this morning, I could see the
roof of the studio was white...
so it did snow a little bit overnight.

Also, if you look very closely at the roof,
on the right side of the dormer, you can
see tracks in the snow...
ah ha, so that's how the little critters
(probably red squirrels) are entering the
attic and that explains the sounds I hear
near my upstairs work table in the studio.
I won't worry as long as they don't
chew through the walls or ceiling.

This may be it for the garden,
the few vegetables we have left are under
the tarps but the temperatures are so very
cold, high today 23 degrees...I don't know
if anything else will survive.

One last rose is quite frozen in time!

Later in the afternoon, the sky was dramatic
and the air so very cold...
but I jumped out of the car
when I spotted many little piper like
birds come in for a landing on the rocks below.
I fell in love with them as my fingers froze
trying to capture their beauty as the light faded
and the temperature plummeted.