How I loved the soft subtle colors in the sky and
sea late this afternoon...walking on the beach
was very chilly, especially when I kept taking my
hands out of my gloves to take pictures!

The tide was high and the water reached the
small beach rocks along the shore...
I love finding treasures in the sand and came
across this mussel shell that had so many
beautiful colors.

D and I just decided to continue our ride and
head down Ocean Ave. and that 's when I spotted
a bird on the wire...from a distance I thought it
was a Mourning Dove, but as we approached it
we realized it was a hawk...quickly D turned the
car around and we were able to sit quietly in the
car as I took some photos. Unfortunately, many
of them came out very blurry but a few were
relatively clear.

The bird book helped us to identify
it as a Cooper's hawk!

Several times the hawk flew to different
wires in the same vicinity before flying off in the
direction of the ocean as the
sun set.

It was a magical late afternoon!