Saturday, July 25, 2009

Visiting Concord

Today (Saturday) we visited the town of Concord, Massachusetts
and the grounds of the home of Ralph Waldo Emerson
and Nathaniel Hawthorne and the Old North Bridge.
A warm summer day full of atmosphere and a sense of history,
calm and nature as we wandered through the garden
and along the Concord River and across the Old North Bridge.

The Old Manse

(when I got home I found my old drawing book
in which I had drawn the Old Manse in 1975!)

Vegetable garden at the Old Manse
"A recreation of Henry David Thoreau's vegetable garden,
planted in 1842 as a wedding gift to the Hawthornes,
still flourishes in the same location

This little rabbit was munching outside the garden.

Old North Bridge, Concord, Massachusetts

Over at the Alcott's Orchard House we discovered the birthday
of May Alcott had just been celebrated at the homestead.
We missed the celebration but enjoyed visiting
the outside grounds of her home.

"Orchard House was the Alcott family's
most permanent home (from 1858 to 1877)"
(also the setting for Louisa May Alcott's
"Little Women")

The Alcott Schoolhouse


quiltcat said...

Sounds like a lovely day surrounded by early American history.

Nan and =^..^= said...

we had actually gone to Concord to see my father-in-law and do some errands and we had a friend with us...and it was late in the day when we spontaneously we decided to stop by the Concord bridge etc., everything looked so beautiful and it was nice to share it with someone who had never been there.

Barb said...

Hi Nan....
Looks like you had a great day. It must have been a kick to find your drawing of The Old Manse house. Have a great week :)

Roses and Lilacs said...

Looks like they changed the roof on the Manse, that's interesting. I love your drawing.

I wish we had stones for a wall like the one in your photo. I probably wouldn't wish it if I had to remove them from every garden I dug;)

I'm starting to save my tree limbs from pruning to make old fashioned stakes like they used in colonial gardens.

Kim said...

What a lovely day, and I so adore your picture of the Old Manse. That vegetable garden is lovely too, I could do with a bit of help with mine to get it looking that good :)

Kim x

Purple Flowers said...

I love old historic homes. They give me a sense of where and how the country began. I have a strong affection for early American homes.

Unknown said...

I love Concord. My sister went to college not far from there and when I visited her I liked to go to Emerson and Hawthorne's home. It's so pretty and the setting is so tranquil. Love that little bunny!


Nan and =^..^= said...

Hi all,
Thanks so much for your comments about Concord etc., much appreciated!