Sunday, February 15, 2009

What's in the tree?

After a walk on the beach, we were
heading home when we saw a large
bird flying above us in Dock Square.
It disappeared from the sky, but
a very small shape of a bird
could be seen near the
top of a tall tree!

...upon closer inspection

we realized it was a hawk...


quiltcat said...

excellent photography! you must have a super duper zoom lens! It looks like a juvenile Coopers Hawk to me...beautiful bird!

Nan and =^..^= said...

hi quiltcat,
wasn't sure what kind of hawk it was but now that you've mentioned it, I referred to our cat Brody's Bird Book and it does look like a Coopers Hawk!
Thanks for the identification!

Roses and Lilacs said...

Looking for one of your resident squirrels. I have one hanging around the bird feeder way too much.

Nan and =^..^= said...

Hi Marnie,
Fortunately for our squirrels, this hawk was several miles from our home...but they do travel quickly!
I'm always worried about that situation. I know how you feel!


Sian said...

hawks are my favourite birds and this one is a beauty!

Nan and =^..^= said...

Hi Sian,
that hawk was amazing to see. It sat up in the tree for quite a long time while the crows were looking for it. Several crows actually landed in the same tree, but the hawk was very still and we think they might have thought it was a seagull!

quiltcat said...

very nice of Brody to share his bird book with you, Nan *g*